When updating Office 2011 for Mac, you are prompted that you must close “Microsoft Database Daemon” and “SyncServicesAgent”
If you're trying to update your install of Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac, you may get the following message: "These applications must be closed before the software can be installed: Microsoft Database Daemon SyncServicesAgent Close these applications and try again" If you try to kill the apps using activity monitor, you'll find they keep getting restarted. The only way I found that worked to stop them is by following the instructions below.
Steam is having trouble connecting to the Steam servers.
If you use Steam and  suddenly find yourself unable to connect receiving the error "Steam is having trouble connecting to the Steam servers.", check and see if you have Peerblock installed and running. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out why the connections wouldn't go through and finally went through apps running in the background one by one, until I closed Peerblock and discovered Steam suddenly started working. If you would like to continue to use Steam while Peerblock is open, follow these instructions for a workaround: 1. Start PeerBlock 2. Click List Manager 3. Click Add 4. Put something in the description like steam-allow 5. click add url and paste this: "http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=steam" (no quotes) 6. Choose type: allow 7. Click Ok then close the List Manager. This will download a list that adds exceptions for Steam and should let you connect with no issues.
How to Import Multiple VCF contacts into iCloud
One of my users recently came to me with an interesting problem this week. She had left her old job but had left all her contacts on her work account. Once the account was deleted, all the addresses were wiped out as well. By sheer luck, her iPad had a copy of the contacts since she never connected it to a new network which prevented any type of sync. We managed to export the contacts off the iPad to VCF cards but were now left with the tedious task of importing them all into iCloud for her to use on her phone. I tried dragging and dropping all the VCF cards into the browser but iCloud displayed 300+ errors saying the card could not be imported, without specifying which ones were a problem. The import would error out after clicking OK at around 300 times and not actually import a single one. I remembered that the format of the cards is simple text and you can easily merge the files into one big file to import.
How to remove win64/sirefef.AE trojan & c:\windows\system32\services.exe win64 patched b.gen trojan
I'm kind of the default "go to" guy for all PC issues with friends and family. One of the most common problems people bring to me is malware. Going forward, I'm going to document the removal process for some of the more difficult ones I encounter. The most difficult trojan I've encountered thus far is the sirefef.AE trojan. It infects the PC by replacing c:\windows\system32\services.exe which is pretty ingenious in that it's extremely difficult to remove since Windows requires it and it's always in use which keeps the antiviruses and applications from being able to remove it. I just spent a few days battling this one and successfully cleaned it off the system. To remove it: