How to fix “hacked by Moroccanwolf” WordPress site
A client of mine had their wordpress hacked and when you would load the site, it would simply display a message that said "hacked by Moroccanwolf". I did some digging and luckily it wasn't a major hack and they didn't mess with the posts or other settings as a lot of the hacks do.
When updating Office 2011 for Mac, you are prompted that you must close “Microsoft Database Daemon” and “SyncServicesAgent”
If you're trying to update your install of Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac, you may get the following message: "These applications must be closed before the software can be installed: Microsoft Database Daemon SyncServicesAgent Close these applications and try again" If you try to kill the apps using activity monitor, you'll find they keep getting restarted. The only way I found that worked to stop them is by following the instructions below.
How to Get Browser Name and Version via JavaScript
Today I ran into a strange issue where Firefox version 28 and below rendered style widths different than Firefox 29 and above. Firefox 29 and above appear to have fixed the issue and render sizes to match Chrome/IE8+/Opera/Safari. Unfortunately, as old as Firefox 28 is, our client's legal review team is stuck on that version as IT refuses to let them upgrade. As such, we needed to add a kludge fix to the site to add a style to fix the issue for those running older Firefox versions. JQuery removed the version support from version 1.9 so here's a handy script that will allow you to detect the browser and version without any extra dependencies.
Kill Multiple Processes at Once Via Command Line with Taskkill
Ever have a program or process that doesn't end properly and runs in the background continuously? I recently encountered this issue with VLC on one Windows 7 machine where it keeps the process never terminates. Since I never reboot the machine for other than Windows Updates, this amounted to 633 copies of VLC running in memory. Each process only used about 633k so it wasn't an astronomical memory hog but multiply that by 633, you begin to feel the machine slowing down. Task Manager doesn't let you kill multiple processes in bulk and I didn't want to go through killing them one by one or rebooting. The solution? Good old command line. Open up command prompt (start -> run -> cmd.exe). This snippet will kill all processes that start with the taskname:
jQuery fancybox ‘*.support not defined’ or ‘ not defined’ Error
I was importing some code from static HTML pages into a client's home grown CMS system this morning. When I reviewed the site in Firefox with Firebug running, I was seeing the error: not defined
The site uses Fancybox to display the window overlays within the site so I had to step through the code and to find out what broke during the migration. Turns out it was a stupid mistake on my part.
Make sure that you include a reference to the jquery library before you load fancybox.