How to test email sending in Laravel 5.3 using artisan tinker
I'm building a Laravel app and ran into an error when trying to send mail but wasn't getting an error back since the request was posted through ajax. If you're trying to troubleshoot it, artisan tinker app is very useful to get more information on the error.
Fire up terminal/command line and run:
ReportCrash High CPU & How to Disable reportcrash in Mac OSX
For a while now, all of my MacBooks have run extremely hot and the fans have gone nuts. While troubleshooting the issue, Activity Monitor showed that an app named reportcrash has run very high on the CPU and has killed my battery life. Force quitting the app didn't help as it would start right back up in a few seconds and climb back to 80-100% usage of the CPU.
Cheap Macbook Pro Docking Solution for about $30
I typically prefer developing on my desktop and large dual screen monitor setup as opposed to my Macbook. Recently, I've gotten into more PHP development and developing on the Mac is proving to be a more enjoyable experience only because Windows is still a second class citizen for most PHP libraries/tools. I still wanted a larger screen setup, so I considered buying a docking station to hook up to a larger monitor but I soon learned they feature the 'Mac Penalty' in that they cost more than they should just because it's for Apple products. I already have two large monitors and figured my Macbook could serve as third screen. Then I did some thinking and realized I could use one of the monitors for both computers. Assuming you have two HDMI screens already hooked up to your desktop, this would save you $150+ and still allow you to be more productive.
How to repair permissions on Linux Apache /var/www/html folder
I recently ran into an issue where I could no longer FTP files to my Linux droplet when multiple users were uploading to the server. The server kept the user as the owner despite me adding them to the www-data group. This fix comes from my ex-boss, James Tomasino who was kind enough to provide some help since I was stumped. I'm sharing in case anyone else runs into the same issue and finds it useful. You'll need to fire up terminal, ssh to the server, and then execute these commands:
Regex to parse date formats when unknown
I'm working on an app that will parse different file sources and aggregate it for a report. Of course, each format has a different date format and trying to parse it all has proved to be a pain. I wrote a regex that'll parse out just about every datetime format I've run into that I am sharing in case someone else finds it useful. I've put it on a Github gist along with a sample of the various dates I've tested it against and confirmed to work. If you find a format not covered by the regex, post a comment and I'll update the gist. Just a note that I haven't finished parsing the timestamp (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00) format. The date portion does get extracted correctly so I left it in.
(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 – error
IÂ recently got handed a new Ubuntu droplet at work to setup and work on. I was going through the typical configuration to lock down the server and go to installing Apache when I suddenly ran into the error
Copy File Context to Clipboard via Command Line, Git Bash (Mingw64), or Terminal
I've been spending more time switching from SVN to Git and learning the command line options. I'm finding a lot of the Mac Git terminal commands I run aren't the same in Git Bash (Mingw64). One of the commands I use is the pbcopy command to copy the ssh key to the clipboard to paste into Github and Bitbucket accounts. I'm starting to use it more as I am learning managing Linux servers and adding my key to login. I'm adding it here as a cheatsheet for myself but I thought others may find it useful. On Windows, you can run this command to copy your ssh key to the clipboard:
How to Copy and Paste into the Digital Ocean VNC Console
I recently signed up for Digital Ocean to test droplets for my development and linux management testing. I was securing the server and setup fail2ban, disabled the root login, and created a user account but forgot to change the user name from root to the user name I selected in my SSH client profile. I ended up locking myself out of the server and had to resort to logging into the admin panel on Digital Ocean's website and use their browser embedded VNC client to restore my access. I quickly discovered that one of the downsides of using this panel is that you can't copy and paste commands. Luckily there's a workaround and you can use the browser console to do sendkeys through Javascript.
Bring up the console in the browser developer tools. Here's a cheat sheet for keyboard shortcuts:
When updating Office 2011 for Mac, you are prompted that you must close “Microsoft Database Daemon” and “SyncServicesAgent”
If you're trying to update your install of Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac, you may get the following message: "These applications must be closed before the software can be installed: Microsoft Database Daemon SyncServicesAgent Close these applications and try again" If you try to kill the apps using activity monitor, you'll find they keep getting restarted. The only way I found that worked to stop them is by following the instructions below.