How to repair permissions on Linux Apache /var/www/html folder
I recently ran into an issue where I could no longer FTP files to my Linux droplet when multiple users were uploading to the server. The server kept the user as the owner despite me adding them to the www-data group. This fix comes from my ex-boss, James Tomasino who was kind enough to provide some help since I was stumped. I'm sharing in case anyone else runs into the same issue and finds it useful. You'll need to fire up terminal, ssh to the server, and then execute these commands:
How to stop CouchDB on Mac OS
I have been working on a proof of concept using CouchDB. After getting the proof of concept working, I spun up a digital ocean droplet and proceeded to setup CouchDB on the server. I went to enable the SSH tunnel so I could access the CouchDB Futon instance and promptly ran into an error because my local instance of CouchDB was using the same port, 5984. I had a lot of trouble finding out an easy way to stop CouchDB because the documentation in the Wiki wasn't accurate:
Regex to parse date formats when unknown
I'm working on an app that will parse different file sources and aggregate it for a report. Of course, each format has a different date format and trying to parse it all has proved to be a pain. I wrote a regex that'll parse out just about every datetime format I've run into that I am sharing in case someone else finds it useful. I've put it on a Github gist along with a sample of the various dates I've tested it against and confirmed to work. If you find a format not covered by the regex, post a comment and I'll update the gist. Just a note that I haven't finished parsing the timestamp (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00) format. The date portion does get extracted correctly so I left it in.
(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 – error
I recently got handed a new Ubuntu droplet at work to setup and work on. I was going through the typical configuration to lock down the server and go to installing Apache when I suddenly ran into the error