Supercharge Your Laravel Development and Get AI to Understand Your Models
Hey there, Laravel enthusiasts! Today, I'm diving into a nifty trick that'll make getting AI to understand your Laravel model structures a breeze. We'll harness the power of bash scripting and AI to analyze our migrations quickly and efficiently. Let's get started!
How to Automatically Login into Laravel App in Your Local Dev Environment
I often find myself spinning up Laravel projects for prototypes and idea testing and then letting them sit until I can pick them back up. Logging in whenever I start work gets annoying, and there's no point in manually logging in to my local instance since my account is the admin. Fortunately, there are a few solutions to automate this process in Laravel. I'll delve into the various methods to automatically log in to your Laravel app in your local development environment, enhancing your workflow and boosting productivity.
How to Setup CI/CD of Jigsaw Site to Digital Ocean Droplet Using Bitbucket Pipelines
I created a new personal resume site and decided I wanted to build a static site since it wouldn't be frequently updated. I evaluated Nuxt, Gatsby, and a few others but settled on Jigsaw, a static site generator based on Laravel. I had never used it before and figured this would be a good learning experience while building something I needed. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to use and setup, so kudos to the Tighten team for putting together such an elegant solution.
I wanted to get a CI/CD pipeline configured to handle the site's deployment but couldn't find any working tutorials, so I'm sharing my solution in case it helps others. I'm using Bitbucket for this since it's a personal private repo, so I'm using Bitbucket Pipelines.
How to use Backblaze B2 with Laravel
I am working on a Laravel project and decided to use a Backblaze bucket as it's cheaper for storage when compared to AWS S3. I couldn't find a tutorial on how to get it working from scratch and I tested a bunch of Laravel B2 libraries that didn't end up working. The good news is that you don't need a special B2 plugin and instead can use the S3 package recommended by the Laravel docs.
If you haven't added the flysystem-aws-s3 package, add it to your project using composer:
How to Get Laravel Debugging to work with PHPStorm and MAMP Pro 5
This has been one of the more aggravating things I've had to deal with in setting up software for development. I've followed the official documentation from JetBrains, over 30 other blog tutorials, and literally failed in getting any of them to work.
I figured out an easy way to make the setup work so I'm sharing it in case someone else finds it useful and for self-reference since I'll probably forget how to do this again in 6 months when I start a new project.
How to Extract Text from image using Laravel and Amazon Rekognition API
I'm currently working on a project that requires extracting text from images of variable quality. I'm doing quick prototypes using PHP and Laravel, but I've found the documentation for accomplishing this a bit lacking. After working on it for a bit, I figured out a really simple solution and am sharing in case it helps anyone else.
This sample will send the image to the API as a blob instead of using a URL. I had tried Base64 encoding it without any luck. I discovered that using Imagick was the easiest way to make this work so the sample relies on that.
Fire up terminal and add a requirement for aws/aws-sdk-php:
How to Execute a Stored Procedure in Laravel 5.6
I've been stumped on this and tried everything I can think of but I can't get Laravel to execute a working mysql query to reorder an ordering column when deleting a row.
Here's a sample simplified query, which works directly in mysql:
How to test email sending in Laravel 5.3 using artisan tinker
I'm building a Laravel app and ran into an error when trying to send mail but wasn't getting an error back since the request was posted through ajax. If you're trying to troubleshoot it, artisan tinker app is very useful to get more information on the error.
Fire up terminal/command line and run: